
This is a blog about a boy and girl who fell in love. Now that they are married, they are learning how to live and love in a whole new way. The blogs written are meant to help, encourage, inspire and spread knowledge of their journey to anyone who wants to listen, even if it's just reminders for themselves.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years 2011 Memories!

What a night last night! Jason and I opted out of going downtown Grand Rapids to see a free concert of Good Charlotte (seriously, tough decision) to stay home and spend quality time together. We went to Meijer to get some nummies to munch on when the turn of the year came. We brought it in in style. We had Texas Toast garlic bread (a running tradition we've had going on), pigs in a blanket (one of my favorites), Jarlsburg cheese dip, bananas, Oreos for desert (about 2 were consumed between the two of us), and Raza Dolce Champagne (really sparkling wine but equivalent to champagne).  We called it our night of hor d'oeurves.

We were FINALLY  able to watch T.V on our T.V. We have been going without television for about 2 years. We have a t.v but only watch DVD's and Hulu. We have not found the need to have regular television on in our house since there's so much junk on it. But we wanted to see the ball drop and since my Sarah (my sister) and Ryan (her hub) gave us a digital converter box and antenna's for christmas we decided why the heck not.

What made the night was that Jason and I  have only spent one new years together over the 4 year span we've been a couple. We were finally able to spend it as husband and wife and get our New Years kiss without anybody around. We love being around friends and family but I think everybody should get a New Years where it's just them and their special someone :)

So today on 1-1-11, we will be relaxing (once again), going to finally print off our wedding pictures, and maybe finish up the last of the hor d'eourves.

After the new year we will be fervently shopping for jobs...
God is Good!!

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