
This is a blog about a boy and girl who fell in love. Now that they are married, they are learning how to live and love in a whole new way. The blogs written are meant to help, encourage, inspire and spread knowledge of their journey to anyone who wants to listen, even if it's just reminders for themselves.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

2012 Great Strides: Taking Steps to Cure Cystic Fibrosis--Let the fundraising commence!

This is our first experience in the community with the CF foundation! I'm super excited. On June 2nd team "Miles for Miah", in honor of my baby boy Jeremiah, will be participating in the Great Strides 2012 walk. Ironically it is Jason's home town, Port Huron, MI. 

So a little bit on the Great Strides walk... This is a direct quote pulled from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's webiste: Great Strides: Taking Steps to Cure Cystic Fibrosis is the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's largest national fundraising event. Tens of thousands of co-workers, friends and family come together each year as one community for one cause…to help find a cure for CF. In 2011, nearly $38 million was raised to support vital CF programs.

And here is a video to give a visual of what we're going to be doing...

Amazing right?? How can I not have hope when there are such astounding strides (pun intended ha) happening? The CFF has paved a way and been a model for other foundations dealing with fundraising and support.

So why donate? It's because of people like you that developments are achieved! Just this year the FDA put a new drug out on the market called Kalydeco. This drug treats the underlying common cause for Cystic Fibrosis in certain gene mutations! This is a HUGE step toward finding a cure. It gives me so much hope that by the time Jeremiah is of age when he can take most of the treatment drugs, that the cure could be there. This gives us 6 years people. In the grand scheme of things, this is not a long period of time.

If you are interested in supporting Miles for Miah, it is crazy easy to donate. Below is a link to my page on the cff.org/greatstides website (which is how you can get to it if the link doesn't work). Just click on "Click to donate", put in your info, and the amount and WAMMO! You've just helped out finding a cure for not only my sweet boy but for 30,000 other people as well. If you're a business or know of a business who would like to sponsor our team and get the logo onto our t-shirt, that my sisters business Solum Graphics is creating, please let me know A.S.A.P. We need to get the shirt design in within the next couple of days. If you would like to purchase a shirt, I'll be able to get info to you as well as soon as I get the quote.

Here is my link:

 I'm excited to meet all the teams and people there that are also affected by Cystic Fibrosis. Although this is a fairly rare disease, I am astounded at how many people know someone who has been affected by it. It gives me great comfort to know that we are not alone in this journey.

If you feel that other people would be willing to help us in this amazing cause, please pass on this website. I am totally new into this world and I want to do all that I can. I would appreciate all the help I can get! Help us in turning CF into Cure Found. Thanks all and God bless! He is so good!!

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