
This is a blog about a boy and girl who fell in love. Now that they are married, they are learning how to live and love in a whole new way. The blogs written are meant to help, encourage, inspire and spread knowledge of their journey to anyone who wants to listen, even if it's just reminders for themselves.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 1 of Daniel Fast

Start of Day 1 of Fasting:

This morning I got up and immediately opened my bible. I know that I needed to start out with God by my side. I decided to read 2 Chronicles 20 because Pastor Sam was talking about during his sermon.  What an amazing read! It was a great way to kick off a fast. 
Jehoshapet was the ruler over Judah. He received news that there were armies coming to attack and ambush them. He had all of Judah fast and pray for guidance. The people that were attacking were on the no-no list to fight with. God told them to go out and march against them the next day. Jehosaphet set up men to sing and praise God for he knew they would be delivered. When the men started praising and singing to God, the armies started ambushing themselves and came down to destroying each other. When Judah walked came up to the Pass where the armies should've been, all that was left was dead bodies. God had delivered them without one fatality on Judah! What was even better was when they returned (there was an inheritance from God unto Judah that the armies were after) but among the inheritance was equipment, clothes and valuables, enough for them to have to collect it for 3 days! Not only were the blessed to be saved from the attacks but God gave them blessings for the taking. 
One word: Inspirational. If God can do that for Jehoshaphet and Judah, I'm thinking Jason and my guidance for 2011 will be a cake walk haha. 

So lets talk about the fast shall we? 
In consists of 21 days.
For the first three days Jason and I will be on a water and (maybe) juice fast. We want to break our bodies and be completely devoted and vulnerable to what God wants. (I hope vulnerable is the right word lol) After that we will be on a Daniel fast  for the remaining 21 days.  The Daniel fast is food that comes from a seed. No meat, no bread, no sweets. Only fruits, veggies and I believe nuts are okay, with water and juice to drink. 

I am so excited to have this time, to allow my body to rid itself of waste and put in wholesome goodness (spiritually and physically). I am nervous that I will want to break down or worse that I will break down. I have to believe that I won't. I am doing this for God. 
For our relationship. 
For guidance and wisdom. 
I will defeat the enemy. 

I know I will need encouragement. God knows it too. So much, that when I hopped on Facebook, a friend that I haven't talked to in a couple years messaged me and encouraged me for this decision. She and her family do the Daniel Fast every year and they too draw close to God and are awakened spiritually. Even before I began, God knew what I needed! I know I will be blessed during this time, and for this time, I will be blessed. 

Middle of Day 1:
I'm getting hungrier and hungrier.. I've been trying to drink water and it helps for a while. It's weird to get used to not being able to eat. My stomach will rumble and I'll be like "what should I have" then I realize.... not gonna happen.. ugh.. Day 1 half way done. 

End of Day 1:
Well we made it! First day down! I feel really good actually. I kept thinking about how I was doing to for God, not for me, which helped. What also helped, on the humorous side, was when I read that hunger pains are your body using the fat stored up. Whenever I felt one come on I laughed at the cells and drank my water. I told Jason that I was jealous because I bet he doesn't get any hunger pains....Skinny cow... 
We will see how tonight goes when I am lying in bed dreaming of my mac and cheese. I think I'm going to pick out a bible verse to repeat whenever I get a vision of pasta.

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