
This is a blog about a boy and girl who fell in love. Now that they are married, they are learning how to live and love in a whole new way. The blogs written are meant to help, encourage, inspire and spread knowledge of their journey to anyone who wants to listen, even if it's just reminders for themselves.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 5

Day 5 
This is Jason, I have decided it is my time to share what I am learning and thinking through this fast. Today, Kate and I both felt like we were being attacked.. We didn't understand why we were feeling like this since we were trying to fill ourselves with God.. It was discouraging. But we are not alone.
During fasting you can expect to be tempted. This thought is based on Matthew 4 where Jesus is tempted in the desert. Jesus, being already baptized in the holy spirit as a sign to men, had John the Baptist baptize him in water. He then went into the desert to fast for 40 days. He was greatly tempted by Satan. Jesus' answer to Satan was quick, sharp scripture references and rebukes. Shortly after Jesus' fast, he learned that John the Baptist was imprisoned. These events kicked started Jesus' immense ministry. This leads me to believe that likewise, we will not only face temptations from Satan, but also, situations that will discourage us. We must not focus on situations, but focus on Christ and the life he set for us. When you fast, you are waging war on Satan and Hell. It's natural to expect repercussions and as a result through the trials and temptations, if you keep your focus on Christ, your ministry will explode and take off, just like Christ's. 

Isn't he amazing? That's why I married him :) 

As he said, we felt attacked. I broke down and started crying because I didn't understand why I was feeling like this. I felt useless and unmotivated. I even put off my morning time with God, which was a first during this fast. I had been waking up and excited about the time I was going to have with him. Instead, I felt frustrated. I should've taken it as a sign that I really needed that time with him, but I ignored it. I put it off till 6 pm. Now, I've learned that if I feel that way, to just turn to Psalms. More often then not they have answers or encouraging words through beautiful songs. I'm beating this into my head... I opened up my Bible to it really. I knew I wanted to go to Psalms and I flipped to the first one I saw. Chapter 42. Totally what  needed to hear, as usual. God always knows.. It read "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my savior, my God." 
Another beautiful that spoke to me was verse eight. "By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me- a prayer to the God of my life."
Verses that find me make me wonder why I ever doubt him, why I feel the need to worry. He has everything under control.  He always will. This is obviously still a lesson I need practice on. I'm so thankful He continuously reminds me. 

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